My Bff Winter Morning
My Bff Winter Morning
Bff Coffees has accomplished a miracle in my life: I can wake up and get up quicker just because I can't wait to carry out the ritual of brewing my perfect cup of coffee and let it get my day going. What a luxury!!
The smell of the fresh ground beans while the water is boiling. Mmmm! And the first sip...Mmmm!
Bff Coffees is a 3-female venture that began because we wanted to zero in on the freshest, most perfect cup of gourmet coffee every. single. morning. in our pajamas, in the comfort of our own home.
And we did....yay!
Winter mornings, I like to get up a few minutes earlier, make my bff signature coffee and crawl back in bed for a few minutes just to read.
Here's something fun you might want to read the next time you wake up with a couple extra minutes to indulge yourself. It is a blog by Coffee Girl (a barista & up-and-coming writer) for you about the famous people (quite a few!) she's served and what they ordered!